Another Kemp Aaberg Sighting!
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Labels: gem-of-the-week
Digital Watermarking of our images – Public Notice
As part of our commitment to protecting our image donors, the Surfing Heritage Foundation has begun using digital watermarking on ALL of our images, including those images seen on our website. This watermark is not visible to the eye, but is easily seen by many computer programs such at Photoshop and other image editing programs. In addition, we have also purchased a “watermark spider” that crawls the Internet specifically looking for any images that contain our SHF watermark. The Surfing Heritage Foundation is prepared to take the appropriate action should we find any illegal or unlicensed usage of images from our files.